Weekly Training Sessions with Enyinna for 

Individuals and Groups

Finding like-minded people who share the same goals can be difficult, especially if you need help finding where to look.

It is difficult for us to engage in meaningful conversations that can lead to growth and learning.


During group sessions with Enyinna, you can share your struggles without fear of being judged by others who may not understand how you feel.


Connecting with others going through similar experiences and receiving practical tools to improve your self-image immediately will help you feel better emotionally.


Also, Enyinna will provide you with exercises and practices, so you can continue working on your emotional well-being after the group sessions are over!

The group energy is amazing; it brings dedication, learning, and sharing experiences!

Embrace life and overcome obstacles

Register Today

Take advantage of a powerful method that will help you heal yourself and others: simple, practical, and effective exercises.

Become part of a fascinating small group and share your experiences.

Sign up today!


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The Inner Healer System® 

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Naturopath, Homeopath, The Inner Healer System

©enyifeanyi 2022

Healing, Help, Training, Personal Development 

Enyinna Ifeanyi

+34 678 136 288